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Things turn out, but not like you'd expect

I learned too many things this week.  The first was that even an old, tired oven will hang on for a few more bakes if you talk to it sweetly and give it a nice pat now and then.  The second is that Christina Tosi of Momofuku Milk Bar, despite taking all sorts of blasphemous liberties with her cakes (IMITATION VANILLA? REALLY?), actually kind of knows what the hell she is talking about when it comes to making a delicious baked thing.  I'm speaking, of course, of the birthday cupcakes I made this week, in homage (if homage means I basically just made her recipe) to her legendary rainbow sprinkle-filled  birthday cake .  Yes it's a bit fiddly.  Yes you have to use a few ingredients you can only get from Amazon and then you probably won't use them again.  And yes when you're following all of these recipe steps you may feel like you've been taken on something of a goose chase and you're not all that sure that this weird sour thing (citric acid) should ...

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